The Scottish Government main areas of spending in 2020/21 were business support, health and social care and councils. This exhibit shows how the funding has flowed from Scottish Government to end recipients, sometimes through delivery partners.

To use the exhibit, hover your mouse pointer over the blocks at each level, to find out how much funding flowed through to the recipients.

Scottish Government → Councils
4,292  (£m)
Councils → Businesses
2,931  (£m)
Scottish Government → Health and Social Care
2,755  (£m)
Health and Social Care → NHS other
707  (£m)
Health and Social Care → Health boards
648  (£m)
Scottish Government → Transport
646  (£m)
Transport → Transport operators
614  (£m)
Health and Social Care → NHS staffing costs
539  (£m)
Councils → General Covid-19 funding
475  (£m)
Health and Social Care → PPE
448  (£m)
Health and Social Care → IJBs and Social Care
413  (£m)
Scottish Government → Sectoral support
354  (£m)
Councils → Support for individuals/families
325  (£m)
Scottish Government → Public bodies
253  (£m)
Enterprise agencies → Businesses
225  (£m)
Scottish Government → Enterprise agencies
225  (£m)
Scottish Government → Education
216  (£m)
Councils → Loss of income
204  (£m)
Councils → Schools
170  (£m)
Education → Universities and colleges
162  (£m)
Sectoral support → Tourism and tourism operators
138  (£m)
Councils → Charities
118  (£m)
Public bodies → Other Covid-19 funding
113  (£m)
Sectoral support → Culture and cultural venues
95  (£m)
Sectoral support → Support for individuals
92  (£m)
Public bodies → Lost income
88  (£m)
Councils → Free school meals
69  (£m)
Education → Students
54  (£m)
Public bodies → Support for individuals/families
52  (£m)
Scottish Government → Justice
36  (£m)
Transport → Transport infrastructure
32  (£m)
Sectoral support → Food and drink providers
29  (£m)
Justice → Police
13  (£m)
Justice → Prisons
12  (£m)
Justice → Other justice
11  (£m)
4,292 (£m)
216 (£m)
Enterprise agencies
225 (£m)
Enterprise agencies
Health and Social Care
2,755 (£m)
Health and Social Care
36 (£m)
Public bodies
253 (£m)
Public bodies
Scottish Government
8,777 (£m)
Scottish Government
Sectoral support
354 (£m)
Sectoral support
646 (£m)
3,156 (£m)
118 (£m)
Free school meals
69 (£m)
Free school meals
General Covid-19 funding
475 (£m)
General Covid-19 funding
Loss of income
204 (£m)
Loss of income
170 (£m)
Support for individuals/families
377 (£m)
Support for individuals/families
54 (£m)
Universities and colleges
162 (£m)
Universities and colleges
Health boards
648 (£m)
Health boards
IJBs and Social Care
413 (£m)
IJBs and Social Care
NHS other
707 (£m)
NHS other
NHS staffing costs
539 (£m)
NHS staffing costs
448 (£m)
Other justice
11 (£m)
Other justice
13 (£m)
12 (£m)
Lost income
88 (£m)
Lost income
Other Covid-19 funding
113 (£m)
Other Covid-19 funding
Culture and cultural venues
95 (£m)
Culture and cultural venues
Food and drink providers
29 (£m)
Food and drink providers
Support for individuals
92 (£m)
Support for individuals
Tourism and tourism operators
138 (£m)
Tourism and tourism operators
Transport infrastructure
32 (£m)
Transport infrastructure
Transport operators
614 (£m)
Transport operators

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