
Displaying 1857 - 1864 of 2175 publications

West Dunbartonshire Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning - progress report

The Commission acknowledges the Council’s increased commitment to continuous improvement and the progress made by the Council within a fairly short timescale.

Priorities and Risks Framework - 2007/08 National Audit Planning Tool for Local Government

The Priorities and Risks Framework (PRF) is a tool for auditors to use when planning the audits of local government bodies in Scotland.

East Lothian Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

East Lothian Council is performing just below the Scottish average, and has made limited progress in establishing Best Value.

Police call management - An initial review

Scotland’s police receive almost 16,000 calls a day and people are generally satisfied when they call 999 or a non-emergency number.

Sustainable waste management

There has been a huge increase in the number of recycling schemes, services and facilities.

Clackmannanshire Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

The Accounts Commission says Clackmannanshire council faces a number of significant challenges specific to its situation and its progress towards Best Value has

Dealing with offending by young people: performance update

Increased funding and a stronger focus on youth justice services over recent years have delivered some positive changes.

Managing long-term conditions

The NHS in Scotland can improve the care it gives to people with long-term illnesses by better targeting resources, further developing community-based servic