Our topic pages pull together work we've done in a particular area and other resources that might be of interest.
The learner journey from school to work

Educating people and equipping them with relevant skills is essential in improving their life experiences and helping them to fulfil their potential and gain employment, in turn supporting Scotland’s economic growth.

Covid-19 has had far-reaching consequences for Scotland's public services and finances, and it will continue to have an impact in the future. This page brings together the Covid-19 related publications we've produced so far, as well as other resources.
Withdrawal from the European Union

Preparing for withdrawal from the EU and key audit issues, along with key questions for public bodies and other resources.

Our audit work on local and national digital and ICT programmes, along with other resources and research briefings.
Investment and infrastructure

Our work looking at public sector investment and infrastructure, good practice and useful material from other organisations.
Childcare in Scotland - a parents' guide

Our video and guide look at the options available to parents for funded early learning and childcare, following publication of our report, Early learning and childcare, in Feburary 2018.
Financial devolution: the journey so far

Scotland's new powers and how devolution is changing the landscape for public finances.
Transforming health and social care

Our animation and work on Scotland's health and social care services and the challenges they are facing.