Equalities and Human Rights Advisory Group
In November 2016 Audit Scotland set up an Equalities and Human Rights Advisory Group (EHRAG) in recognition of the need for expert external equalities advice.
The purpose of the group is to support Audit Scotland in embedding equality and human rights considerations in its audit work. This includes:
- considering the forward work programme of proposed performance and best value audits to:
- identify how protected characteristics and human rights should be considered within the scope of the audit
- determine whether there are any significant gaps regarding protected characteristics and human rights
- providing a forum for members to share insights into the key priorities of their respective organisations
- participating in specific audit advisory groups from time to time
- providing introductions to other third party organisations that can help input to audit methodology and fieldwork.
Audit teams have engaged with the group on a range of audits and equalities issues. The group has made a difference by bringing in lived experience and helping to inform analysis.
It is expected that this group will meet three times a year, with members agreeing to be contacted or consulted on ad hoc issues as part of the advisory function.
Membership is open to any equalities and human rights organisations, please email ncornish@audit-scotland.gov.uk if you are interested in being involved.
Equalities and Human Rights Advisory Group - Organisational membership

Age Scotland

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland

Close the Gap

Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER)

Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Sector Organisations (CEMVO) Scotland

Disability Equality Scotland

Edinburgh Interfaith Association

Enable Scotland


Equality Network

Inclusion Scotland

Interfaith Scotland

Minority Ethnic Carers of People Project (MECOPP)


Scottish Human Rights Commission

Scottish Secular Society

Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)

Scottish Trans Alliance

See Me

Shakti Women's Aid

Stonewall Scotland