Giving something back

At Audit Scotland, we want all aspects of our business to have a positive impact on the communities we’re part of, and the people who live and work in them.
Our new Social Responsibility Strategy brings together the range of non-audit activities we do in Audit Scotland towards achieving that positive impact, and structures them across three key pillars; Environmental, Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion, and Communities.
This structure helps ensure that this investment in our people and business delivers clear benefits for colleagues, stakeholders, and communities, aligned with the outcomes of our audit work.
Our previous work
Giving something back is at the heart of what we do at Audit Scotland. Whether it’s working to make a difference to public services through our audit work or fundraising thousands of pounds for charity, we understand the value of helping others.

In late 2020, our colleagues voted to support MND Scotland as our corporate charity.
Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is brutally fast. It stops signals from the brain reaching the muscles, meaning people with MND can quickly lose their ability to walk, talk, eat and breathe unaided. There is no cure or effective treatment, and the average life expectancy from diagnosis is less than two years.
MND Scotland are here to support every family affected by MND in Scotland, to make sure no one has to go through the devastation of MND alone. They fight to improve quality of life for everyone living with MND and to ensure their voices are heard. They are determined to find a cure and fund pioneering research which is taking us a step closer to that day.
To find out more about MND Scotland, and how you can help them pull together to end MND, please visit

Choosing MND Scotland as our corporate charity follows an amazing two years in which colleagues raised more than £9,000 for SAMH, Scotland’s largest mental health charity, and organised activities in partnership with SAMH on the importance of mental health and wellbeing.
SAMH has represented the voice of people affected by mental health problems in Scotland for more than 90 years and provides more than a million hours of support to people living with poor mental health every year. Their work includes community-based services, national programmes and policy and campaigning work.

Prior to supporting SAMH, we raised funds and awareness of The Brain Tumour Charity between 2017-2019. This was a hugely successful partnership that raised more than £14,000 for the charity. Read more about The Brain Tumour Charity and our partnership with it.
And alongside our work for our corporate charity, many colleagues volunteer and fundraise for good causes in their spare time.