
Displaying 2649 - 2656 of 5113 publications

Scotland's public finances - a follow-up audit: Progress in meeting the challenges

Public bodies have coped well so far with reduced budgets but need to focus more on priorities and develop longer-term financial plans.

National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2014/15

The national scrutiny plan provides a summary of the scrutiny activity for each council in Scotland.

Falkirk Community Planning Partnership

Falkirk Community Planning Partnership needs to develop specific priorities and plans to convert its aspirations into improved outcomes for local people.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning - Follow-up report May 2014

Significant improvements have been made in the running of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, says the Accounts Commission.

Accident and Emergency: Performance update

Our update report in May 2014 found that performance against the four-hour accident and emergency waiting times target had deteriorated since Audit Scotland

Glasgow Community Planning Partnership

Glasgow Community Planning Partnership has a clear sense of purpose and direction for tackling some of the city's deep-seated social and economic problem