Displaying 1361 - 1368 of 2175 publications
Strathclyde Police Authority
The body charged with overseeing Strathclyde Police has done little so far to improve its performance over the past year but is now showing some positive sig
Fife Constabulary and Fife Police Authority
Fife Constabulary and Fife Police Authority both demonstrate most aspects of Best Value.
Best Value in fire and rescue services in Scotland
Scotland has the potential to create a world class fire and rescue service but faces major challenges in doing so, says an Accounts Commission report publish
Central Scotland Police and Central Scotland Joint Police Board
Central Scotland Police and its police authority, the Central Scotland Police Joint Board, perform well.
Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and Police Authority
Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary performs strongly and provides a good service.
Learning the lessons of public body mergers
Public sector mergers need strong leadership from the outset to ensure important decisions are made about the new organisations’ vision, structure and
Midlothian Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning
Midlothian Council has made good progress improving services to deliver Best Value over the last four years.
The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2010/11
The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) is a counter-fraud exercise that is run every two years with the 2010/11 NFI report being the fourth.