Local Government

Audit Scotland supports the improvement of public services by looking at how public money is spent, and whether policies are achieving desired outcomes for individuals and bodies.
We carry out extensive work across the local government sector to support the Accounts Commission in their role of holding councils and other local government bodies in Scotland to account, helping them improve by reporting to the public on their performance.
Find out more about our work in this important area. Deputy Chair, Andrew Burns and member Angela Leitch discuss the Accounts Commission’s future work.
Read the Accounts Commission’s latest reports and the most recent blog, setting out their thoughts and views on emerging issues.
Local government in Scotland: Financial bulletin 2023/24
Local government in Scotland: Overview 2023
Local government in Scotland Overview 2022
Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2020/21
Local government in Scotland Overview 2021 May 27, 2021
Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2019/20 January 26, 2021
Local government in Scotland Overview 2020 June 23, 2020
Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2018/19 December 17, 2019
Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2017/18 November 29, 2018
Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2016/17 November 28, 2017

Local government in Scotland
The Accounts Commission regularly reports on the finances, performance and challenges across local government.
This work during 2025 includes:
- Local government in Scotland: Financial bulletin - the financial performance of councils in 2023/24, with a look ahead to financial pressures in 2024/25 and 2025/26
- Local government in Scotland: council budgets - covering budget impacts and insight at national and local levels. Published just after the Scottish Government confirm its budget for 2025/26 and all councils setting budgets for the financial year
- Local government in Scotland: Spotlight - a two-part report outlining the performance of council services across Scotland, alongside either a focus on a specific council service or an issue of national significance.
Best value
Best Value is about ensuring good governance and effective management of resources, with a focus on improving the lives of local people. The duty of Best Value applies to all public bodies in Scotland. The Accounts Commission assesses how councils are demonstrating Best Value through:
- Annual audits: each year, auditors appointed by the Accounts Commission focus on a theme across all councils
- Statutory: the Controller of Audit prepares detailed reports on councils, with the Accounts Commission making decisions based on the work presented to them
National reports
Each year the Accounts Commission publishes a national report on a specific Best Value theme. This is based upon the detailed work carried out by auditors and the Controller of Audit.
Council performance
The Accounts Commission has a statutory duty to direct councils to publish information enabling comparisons of performance between councils. Over time this will show how well councils are improving local outcomes in partnership with other public bodies.
This helps councils improve services, giving local people a better understanding of the performance of their council. This also encourages the use of the Local Government Benchmarking Framework.
Health and Social Care
- Audit Scotland report on the financial performance of health and social care integration authorities and NHS Bodies, such as health boards, on behalf of the Auditor General and the Accounts Commission.
- In March the Accounts Commission will publish a report focused on the financial health of Integration Joint Boards.
- Later in the year, in a joint report with the Auditor General for Scotland, the focus will be on the wider performance and outcomes for communities in primary, community health and social care.
Our approach to this is outlined on our Health and social care page.
Get in touch
To discuss Audit Scotland's work on Local Government or let us know what you think about this page, please contact:
Martin McLauchlan, Senior Manager mmclauchlan@audit-scotland.gov.uk