Covid-19: How Audit Scotland is working

Audit Scotland offices

Like every other private, public and charity organisation across the UK, we have been working hard to manage the significant disruption of the past two weeks.

Alongside the immediate operational issues that we are all facing, Audit Scotland has been looking at how we can manage the work we do on behalf of the Auditor General and the Accounts Commission to give the people of Scotland assurance that public money is spent properly, efficiently and effectively.

Our approach is based on being flexible and pragmatic at a time when public bodies are facing pressures that are unprecedented in living memory. At the same time, good financial management and sound governance are more important than ever, and we must maintain the quality of public audit.

We are in communication with our wide range of stakeholders about our annual audits of public bodies and our performance audit and Best Value programme, and our role in wider scrutiny work.

If you need to contact us, please email us at Please note that under the current circumstances, we may not be able to reply promptly and we appreciate your patience and understanding.