NHS in Scotland 2016
Our report on NHS in Scotland 2016 was published in October 2016. This interactive graphic provides information about health boards' expenditure and savings, and performance and workforce indicators.
Related report
About the data
Financial data
- Total core revenue expenditure and savings data is at 2015/16 financial year end.
- NRAC: Since 2009/10, the Scottish Government has used a formula developed by the National Resource Allocation Committee (NRAC) to allocate most of territorial boards’ budgets. The formula is based on the number of people living in each board area and is adjusted to reflect age and gender within the local population. It is also adjusted for additional needs based on local circumstances such as geography, sickness and deprivation levels. When the formula was introduced, some boards’ actual allocations were considerably below the amount proposed by the formula. Territorial boards receive an increase in funding each year and boards below their target allocation have received additional funding to gradually bring them closer to parity with the formula target.
- Source: expenditure data was taken from the Scottish Government consolidated accounts, June 2016. NRAC and savings figures were provided to Audit Scotland by the Scottish Government in August 2015 and May 2016 respectively.
Performance indicators
- Performance indicators are for the quarter-ending March 2016, except for the accident and emergency, delayed discharge and referral to treatment targets, and the treatment time guarantee unavailability indicator, which all are for the month-ending March 2016. The change in the number of bed days occupied by delayed discharge is expressed as an annual percentage change between 2014/15 and 2015/16.
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) data is combined for the island boards.
- Source: Information Services Division (ISD) publications between June and August 2016. Data is subject to any caveats described by ISD.
Workforce indicators
- Workforce indicators are annual figures as at March 2016, except for GP data which is for the year-ending August 2015.
- Source: total agency costs were taken from the Scottish Government consolidated accounts, June 2016. Workforce indicators were taken from Information Services Division (ISD) publications between June and August 2016. Data is subject to any caveats described by ISD. Consultant agency spending figures use information provided by individual NHS boards.
How to use our graphics
All the graphics are interactive:
- Hovering over the map and graphs will give you more detailed information.
- All data can be filtered by NHS board by clicking on the map or graphs.
- Financial data - savings data can be filtered to view total savings, or the percentage of savings that were non-recurring.
- Performance data - to view different performance indicators, click on the drop-down menu on the right hand side.
- Workforce data - to view different workforce indicators, click on the drop-down menu on the right hand side.
- To clear selections click on any white space in the graph you used as a filter.
- To access the data behind the graphics, click on the graph you're interested in, then click 'Download' at the bottom of the graphics and select the format.