Publication: Managing the implementation of the Scotland Acts

by Auditor General

Recruiting the skilled staff needed for the Scottish Government's new financial and social security powers and responsibilities will be challenging, says the Auditor General.

Main report
File type:
- pdf
File size:
1.29 MB

All files

Main report (text only)
File type:
- rtf
File size:
329.95 KB
News release
File type:
- pdf
File size:
42.66 KB
File type:
- mp3
File size:
4.62 MB
Podcast transcript
File type:
- rtf
File size:
64.44 KB
Video transcript
File type:
- rtf
File size:
46.44 KB

Financial devolution in Scotland: the journey so far

Visit our resource page on financial devolution to find out more about our work on Scotland's new financial powers.


Key facts from our report

A transcript of this video is available to download with the other files on this page.


Key facts
Key facts
Timeline for new financial powers
Timeline for new financial powers
Cost of implementing the new powers to 2017/18
Cost of implementing the new powers to 2017/18
Social security estimated implementation costs
Social security estimated implementation costs