
Displaying 865 - 872 of 2101 publications

Local government in Scotland: Performance and challenges 2017

New councillors elected in May face major challenges and need to focus on improving long-term planning, says the Accounts Commission.

East Dunbartonshire Council Best Value audit report

East Dunbartonshire Council has made some improvements but needs to do a lot more to meet the challenges it faces, says the Accounts Commission.

Falkirk Council: Best Value audit report

Falkirk Council has been slow in grasping the nettle of tackling major challenges ahead, says the Accounts Commission.

Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2015/16

Councils have managed their finances well but significant challenges lie ahead, says the Accounts Commission.

How councils work - Roles and working relationships in councils: are you still getting it right?

The Accounts Commission has published an update to its report on roles and working relationships in councils aimed at supporting councillors and officers.

Borrowing and treasury management in councils - Impact report

This report outlines the impact made by the Accounts Commission's report 'Borrowing and treasury management in councils', which was published in…

Angus Council: Best Value audit report

Angus Council needs to up the pace of change if it is to meet its £26.5million savings target, an Accounts Commission report says today.

Social work in Scotland

Social work in Scotland is at a watershed and the public and service users must be more involved in shaping future provision.