
Displaying 985 - 992 of 2101 publications

Major capital investment in councils: follow-up

Councils need to improve further the way they manage major projects like schools, roads, housing and flood prevention, says the Accounts Commission.

Argyll and Bute Council: Best Value audit 2015

Argyll and Bute Council has made solid improvement but needs to build on this for the future, says the Accounts Commission.

Health and social care integration

Significant risks must be addressed if a major reform of health and social care is to fundamentally change how services are delivered, and improve outcomes f

The Moray Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning - progress report

The Moray Council has made some progress over the last two years but needs to increase the pace of change and improvement, says the Accounts Commission.

Falkirk Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

Falkirk Council has identified £46 million of savings it needs to make but has to do a lot more to deliver them, says the Account Commission.

Aberdeen City Council Best Value audit

Aberdeen City Council has improved how it is run in recent years and has plans for further changes but a great deal more work is needed to deliver these.

East Dunbartonshire Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning – a follow-up report

There is a gap between East Dunbartonshire Council's ambitions and delivering these on the ground, says the Accounts Commission.