
Displaying 105 - 112 of 238 publications

Drug and alcohol services in Scotland

Given Scotland’s problem with drugs and alcohol, a coordinated effort is needed to ensure services meet local needs and are delivered to consistent sta

Overview of the local authority audits 2008

There is evidence of improving services, but councils face significant challenges from the recession and financial pressures, and in making partnership working

Audit Scotland and NHS QIS Operational Protocol

This operational protocol provides operational guidance on joint working between Audit Scotland and NHS QIS, (Quality Improvement Scotland) specifically in t

Asset management in the NHS

This report examines the way the health service strategically manages its £5 billion worth of land and buildings, vehicles, medical and IT equipment.

Financial overview of the NHS in Scotland 2007/08

The financial position in the NHS continues to improve overall but the service faces challenging times in the near future.

Priorities and Risks Framework - 2008/09 - 2010/11 National Audit Planning Tool for Local Government

The Priorities and Risks Framework (PRF) is a tool for auditors to use when planning the audits of local government bodies in Scotland.

Review of NHS diagnostic services

The NHS in Scotland has significantly cut patients’ waiting times for diagnostic tests through use of targeted additional government funding and change

The impact of the race equality duty on council services

All councils have developed policies and processes on race equality. They now need to ensure these have a positive impact on services.