
Displaying 121 - 128 of 2101 publications

Scotland's City Region and Growth Deals: Progress of the 2020 audit report recommendations

This briefing looks at progress against 11 of the recommendations made about City Region and Growth Deals in our 2020 report.

Early learning and childcare: Progress on delivery of the 1,140 hours expansion

The Scottish Government, councils and partners did well to increase early learning and childcare (ELC) provision to 1,140 hours a year per child, despite the

Highland Council annual audit 2021/22

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2021/22

Local government in Scotland: Overview 2023

Radical change is needed across Scotland's councils

North East of Scotland Transport Partnership annual audit 2021/22

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2021/22

Aberdeen City Council annual audit 2021/22

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2021/22

Aberdeen City Integration Joint Board annual audit 2021/22

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2021/22

Aberdeenshire Council annual audit 2021/22

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2021/22