
Displaying 1273 - 1280 of 2101 publications

Community planning in Scottish Borders

The Scottish Borders CPP had also demonstrated effective joint working in specific initiatives but was se

Improving community planning in Scotland

Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) have not met the ambitious goals set for them but with the right leadership and support could

Major capital investment in councils

Councils spend significant amounts of money on building and maintaining infrastructure - more than any other part of the public sector - but lack sufficient

Protecting consumers

The long-term viability of councils’ trading standards services is under threat, potentially leaving consumers without important protection from rogue

Shetland Islands Council - Statutory follow-up report

The Accounts Commission today highlights positive steps taken by Shetland Islands Council (SIC) to tackle long-standing issues.

City of Edinburgh Council

Statutory report on the 2011/12 audit of the City of Edinburgh Council.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning - Follow-up report

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) has made progress over the past year in areas such as finance and performance management, but needs to impr