
Displaying 129 - 136 of 2089 publications

Tough decisions ahead on climate change

The realities of climate change, and their direct link to difficult public spending decisions, are now on our doorstep.

Investing in Scotland's infrastructure

The Scottish Government no longer expects to have enough money to deliver all its planned £26 billion investment in public sector infrastructure.

Approaches to achieving net zero across the UK

About the report This report is a joint piece of work between the public audit offices of the four UK nations &

Adult mental health

Accessing adult mental health services in Scotland remains slow and complicated for many people.

Scotland's colleges 2023

Scotland’s colleges are vital to learners and local communities.

Scottish Police Authority annual audit 2022/23

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2022/23

Scottish Government annual audit 2022/23

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2022/23

Scotland's City Region and Growth Deals: Progress of the 2020 audit report recommendations

This briefing looks at progress against 11 of the recommendations made about City Region and Growth Deals in our 2020 report.