
Displaying 1393 - 1400 of 2101 publications

Tayside Fire and Rescue Best Value

The service has strong culture of continuous improvement, but the board should provide better scrutiny and challenge.

Central Scotland Fire and Rescue

Central Fire & Rescue provides an effective, low cost service but would be better placed to provide Best Value if it had stronger performance arrangement

Shetland Islands Council - Statutory follow-up report 2012

Shetland Islands Council has made good progress in implementing its improvement plan. It now has many of the building blocks needed to provide Best Value.

Lothian and Borders Police and Police Board

The force and board perform well and have a sound basis for future development.

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

The council has put some of the basic building blocks in place for providing Best Value, but there remain significant aspects requiring more progress.

Stirling Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

Stirling Council has strong leadership with a clear vision, and has made good progress in improving the performance of its services, its management of resour

The role of community planning partnerships in economic development

Community planning partnerships need to build on their economic development activity to help meet local needs.

Strathclyde Partnership for Transport: Progress report - S.R. 2011/3

Reviewing an update report on an audit investigation of travel expenses and other matters, the Commission welcomes improvements made by SPT.