
Displaying 1489 - 1496 of 2101 publications

North Ayrshire Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning

The council has shown an increased commitment to providing Best Value, but for some of its improvement activities, it is too early to judge how effective the

The Highland Council: Caithness Heat and Power (CHaP): Commission findings and CoA report, 2011

The Commission decided that in light of the concerns highlighted in the Controller of Audit’s (CoA) June 2010 statutory report, it required a further r

Grampian Police and Grampian Joint Police Board

Grampian Police and the Grampian Joint Police Board have an effective working relationship and a shared vision for policing in the area, but some areas still

The cost of public sector pensions in Scotland

Scotland’s public sector pensions, which cost £3 billion a year and affect one in five people in the country, face significant cost pressures and

An overview of local government in Scotland 2010

The Accounts Commission says councils have carried out substantial work to address the serious challenges of delivering quality services with less money.