
Displaying 1505 - 1512 of 2101 publications

National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2010/11

The national scrutiny plan provides a summary of the scrutiny activity for each council in Scotland.

South Ayrshire Council: The audit of Best Value and Community Planning - progress report

The Commission welcomes the good progress made by the council since the last Best Value audit in April 2009, and urges it to continue with this as there is stil

Asset management - Impact report

All councils agreed that the report was easy to read and tackled topical issues.

The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2008/09

A national detection exercise by Audit Scotland and other public bodies has identified fraud and error overpayments, savings and other outcomes worth more th

Scottish Borders Council: Best Value 2 pathfinder audit

The council works well with other organisations, is improving well already and knows what more it needs to do to improve.

The Highland Council: Best Value 2 pathfinder audit

The Highland Council has strong leadership and knows where it needs to improve, according to the Accounts Commission.

Angus Council: Best Value 2 pathfinder audit

Angus Council provides good services but quicker progress needed on Best Value.

Northern Constabulary and Northern Joint Police Board

Northern Constabulary and the Northern Joint Police Board have established many of the key elements of Best Value, although some areas could be further devel