
Displaying 1585 - 1592 of 2101 publications

Dundee City Council: Best Value 2 pathfinder audit

The council still needs to embed a culture of continuous improvement throughout its business and increase the pace of change.

Update on West Dunbartonshire Council Best Value progress report

The Accounts Commission has published its findings on West Dunbartonshire Council, following its consideration of the latest update report from Audit Scotlan

Improving public sector efficiency

Scotland’s public sector is continuing to find more efficient ways of delivering services, and its reported efficiency savings in 2008/09 exceeded the

An overview of local government in Scotland 2009

Councils and services are improving. But the scale of the budget challenge they face means urgent action is needed.

Protecting and improving Scotland's environment

In a wide-ranging report, Protecting and improving Scotland's environment, Audit Scotland looks at progress in improving air quality, the water environ

Tayside Police and Tayside Joint Police Board Best Value

Members of Tayside Joint Police Board need to gain a better understanding of their role before the board will be able to achieve best value.

Shetland Islands Council: Annual Audit 2008/09

A report by the Controller of Audit to the Accounts Commission under Section 102(1) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.