Displaying 17 - 24 of 45 publications
Strathclyde Police Authority
The body charged with overseeing Strathclyde Police has done little so far to improve its performance over the past year but is now showing some positive sig
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue provides an effective service and makes good use of integrated risk management planning, with clear evidence of shifts in resourc
Shetland Islands Council - Statutory follow-up report 2012
Shetland Islands Council has made good progress in implementing its improvement plan. It now has many of the building blocks needed to provide Best Value.
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport: Progress report - S.R. 2011/3
Reviewing an update report on an audit investigation of travel expenses and other matters, the Commission welcomes improvements made by SPT.
Aberdeenshire Council statutory report 2011/2
The council took insufficient action to address risks, with delays in implementing actions.
Strathclyde Police and Strathclyde Police Authority
The Force performs well and communities receive a good service.
The Highland Council: Caithness Heat and Power (CHaP): Commission findings and CoA report, 2011
The Commission decided that in light of the concerns highlighted in the Controller of Audit’s (CoA) June 2010 statutory report, it required a further r
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport - S.R. 2010/3
There were serious deficiencies in the way that Strathclyde Partnership for Transport managed and controlled travel expenses.