
Displaying 1601 - 1608 of 2089 publications

Improving the Schools Estate - Impact report

There was extensive media and political interest in this report.

Police Call Management - Impact report

This report received widespread newspaper, radio and television coverage, as well as a lot of political interest, with the Parliament’s Public Audit Committee p

Sustainable waste management - Impact report

The report gained extensive publicity and was quoted extensively at a 'Waste Summit' held by the Scottish Government shortly after publication.

A performance overview of sport in Scotland - Impact report

Audit Scotland’s review found that councils are responsible for around 90 per cent of total expenditure on sport (around £558 million a year).

Improving energy efficiency - Impact report

This report received moderate media coverage and significant political interest.

The First ScotRail passenger rail franchise - Impact report 2009

The report has received considerable and ongoing media coverage and political interest.