
Displaying 177 - 184 of 238 publications

Direction 2002 - Local Government Act 1992

The Accounts Commission for Scotland has a duty under the Local Government Act 1992 to direct local authorities to publish certain information on their performa

Made to Measure - An overview of Trading Standards services in Scotland

The Accounts Commission for Scotland is encouraging Scottish councils to join up their trading standards services.

Follow-up report on Scottish Borders Council

The Controller of Audit's follow-up report to the Accounts Commission on the progress being made by Scottish Borders Council in dealing with the problems which

Review of the management of waiting lists in Scotland

Aspects of the management of NHS waiting lists need to be improved, according to this report by the Auditor General.

Overview of further education colleges in Scotland

In his latest overview report on the further education sector in Scotland, the Auditor General, Robert Black, has expressed concern about the length of time col

Overview of the 2000/01 Local Authority Audits

Against a background of a general improvement in financial management and performance, Scottish councils need to improve the way they monitor the use of funds t

Organ retention validation review

All NHS trusts in Scotland have systems in place for identifying organs retained following post mortems and for dealing efficiently with relatives' enquiries.

Individual Learning Accounts in Scotland

A report by the Auditor General for Scotland, Robert Black, has found there were serious and significant failings in the administration of the Individual Learni