
Displaying 1865 - 1872 of 2101 publications

Scottish Borders Council: the audit of Best Value and Community Planning

Scottish Borders Council has made substantial progress in recent years and has done much of the groundwork needed to achieve Best Value.

A review of service reform in Scottish fire and rescue authorities

Scottish fire and rescue authorities are giving more emphasis to fire prevention and community safety, but it is too early to demonstrate a sustained reduction

City of Edinburgh Council: the audit of Best Value and Community Planning

The Accounts Commission says Edinburgh City Council displays many of the features of a Best Value council, including many examples of good service delivery.

Inverclyde Council: the audit of Best Value and Community Planning - progress report 2007

The Commission says that Inverclyde Council is moving in the right direction, following its critical report in 2005, and that there is a clear commitment and

Overview of the local authority audits 2006

The Accounts Commission welcomes a number of improvements by Scotland’s local authorities but warns that major challenges lie ahead.

Shetland Islands Council: The Audit of Best Value and Community Planning - Progress report

The Commission says that Shetland Islands Council has made a start in addressing the issues raised in the Commission’s March 2005 findings, but it remains conce

Priorities and Risks Framework: a national planning tool for 2006/07 local government audits

Audit Scotland is introducing a revised, modernised audit approach across the public sector, resulting in more timely and better informed reports to the Auditor