
Displaying 2017 - 2024 of 2101 publications

Overview of the 2000/01 Local Authority Audits

Against a background of a general improvement in financial management and performance, Scottish councils need to improve the way they monitor the use of funds t

Council profiles 2000/2001: Performance information for Scottish Councils

One of the requirements of Best Value is that councils should give priority to improving their poorer performing services.

Data compendium 2000/2001: Performance information for Scottish Councils

This compendium provides all the data for the full range of indicators for all services in 2000/2001 and, where appropriate, comparable data for the two previou

Benefits, Finance and Corporate issues - Performance Indicators 2000-2001

Scottish councils collected 89% of the council tax due last year, a 1% improvement on the previous year and continuing an improvement trend.

Environmental and Regulatory - Performance Indicators 2000-2001

Local authority performance information published today reveals encouraging signs of improvement across a number of council services.

Leisure and Libraries - Performance Indicators 2000-2001

There has been a slight reduction in the use of leisure facilities since the previous year and the pamphlet also shows that libraries are still finding it diffi

Education services - Performance Indicators 2000-2001

A number of encouraging signs have emerged from the publication of information about the performance of councils' education services.

Housing services - Performance Indicators 2000-2001

Council tenants' rent arrears have continued to rise.