
Displaying 2025 - 2032 of 2101 publications

Social work services - Performance Indicators 2000-2001

Councils' social work services have shown real improvements in a number of areas.

Fire and Police - Performance indicators 2000/01

The main finding of the report is that, although modest, there continues to be an overall improvement in the performance of Scotland's police forces and fire br

Making Progress with Best Value - A national overview of the Performance Management and Planning (PMP) Audit 2000/2001

This year's Best Value audit of Scottish councils shows a general improvement in the way services are being managed.

Direction 2001 - Local Government Act 1992

The Accounts Commission for Scotland has a duty under the Local Government Act 1992 to direct local authorities to publish certain information on their performa

Homing in on care : A review of home care services for older people

Home care workers, or home helps, are valued highly by older people and their carers, and are at the frontline in providing the care and support which allows ma

Accounts Commission's findings on education department overspend at Scottish Borders Council

This report by the Controller of Audit, Ronnie Hinds, into the overspend at Scottish Borders Council has found serious weaknesses in the financial management

Early retirement: a note for council managers

This is a guidance note for council managers with responsibility for making decisions about the early retirement of employees from the Local Government Pension

Performance Management and Planning (PMP) Audit

The Accounts Commission and Audit Scotland have developed a detailed audit approach to assess the progress made by councils in implementing a Best Value approac