
Displaying 2073 - 2080 of 2089 publications

Dealing with offending by young people

First national study into dealing with offending by young people.

Overview of the 2001/02 water authority audits

This report reviews the final year of operation of the three former Scottish water authorities before they merged to form Scottish Water on 1 April 2002.

How government works in Scotland

A major reference work which maps out the responsibilities and accountabilities of public bodies in Scotland has been published by the Auditor General for Scotl

Local Economic Forums: a baseline performance statement

This report establishes the position inherited by Local Economic Forums (LEFs) and will be used as a benchmark to measure their progress in streamlining the way

Measuring up? A follow-up report on performance measurement in the Scottish Environment Protection Agency

The Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) has made good progress in the way it manages and measures its own performance, according to this report by the

Overview of further education colleges in Scotland

In his latest overview report on the further education sector in Scotland, the Auditor General, Robert Black, has expressed concern about the length of time col

The Scottish Parliament three years on: a personal perspective, by the Auditor General for Scotland

In this keynote address to the CIPFA Scottish Conference in Glasgow the Auditor General notes the good work done by the parliament in its first few years and ma