Displaying 2185 - 2192 of 2195 publications
Managing property risks in schools - A handbook for Head Teachers
As a follow up to its national report A Safer Place, the Commission has produced a handbook that gives practical guidance to head teachers on how to reduce p
Social Work - How your service performed in 1995/96
Highlighting home care/home help services, respite care provision and, in relation to residential care, the levels of single room provision, staff qualification
Education - How your service performed in 1995/96
Highlighting information relating to pre-school provision, primary school class size, primary and secondary school occupancy levels and special educational need
Housing - How your service performed in 1995/96
Covering issues relating to council house repairs, rent loss due to empty houses, rent arrears levels, council house sales and the processing of housing benefit
Police and Fire services - How your service performed in 1995/96
These pamphlets cover a selection of the indicators from the main report.
Protecting you and your environment - How your service performed in 1995/96
Looking at food hygiene inspections, water quality, household waste recycling, the time taken to process planning applications and trading standards enquiries a
Performance Information for Scottish Councils 1995/96
Each year councils publish a range of information to show people how well they are providing their services in comparison with previous years and how they compa
A safer place - Property risk management in schools
This study of school property-related risks was carried out to assist and encourage the new councils in Scotland to develop effective risk-management arrangemen