
Displaying 625 - 632 of 2089 publications

West Lothian College annual audit report 2017/18

Annual audit plan and final audit report for August 2017 - July 2018

The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2016/17

Scotland's public finances have been boosted after a data-sharing exercise identified nearly £19 million of fraud and error across the public secto

Maintaining Scotland's roads: a follow-up report - Impact report

This report summarises the impact made by our audit Maintaining Scotland’s Roads: a

Scotland's colleges 2018

A deal to harmonise staff pay at a cost of £50m a year will absorb projected savings from the reform of Scotland's colleges, says the Auditor Gener

Modern Apprenticeships - Impact report

This report summarises the impact made by our report Modern Apprenticeships, which was published in March 2014.<

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service: an update

Turning the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service into a more flexible, modern service has been steady but slow, says the Auditor General.

The 2016/17 audit of Edinburgh College

Poor planning and over-optimism contributed to financial problems at New College Lanarkshire while Edinburgh College has made progress, says the Auditor Gene

The 2016/17 audit of New College Lanarkshire

Poor planning and over-optimism contributed to financial problems at New College Lanarkshire while Edinburgh College has made progress, says the Auditor Gene