
Displaying 729 - 736 of 2089 publications

West College Scotland annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for August 2016 - July 2017

West Lothian College annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for August 2016 - July 2017

Scotland's colleges 2017

Scotland's colleges have seen improved attainment in the past year but face several financial challenges, and potential difficulties from a declining stu

Common Agricultural Policy Futures programme: further update

The legacy of an IT programme set up to deliver financial support to rural businesses still presents significant risks and costs for the Scottish Government.

Education Scotland annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2016 - March 2017

Scottish Government: Non-Domestic Rating Account annual audit plan 2016/17

Annual audit plan for April 2016 - March 2017

Principles for a digital future

Audit Scotland has published a new digital briefing to support public bodies embarking on ICT projects.

The 2015/16 audit of Edinburgh College

The Auditor General for Scotland, Caroline Gardner, has reported to the Scottish Parliament on the financial sustainability of Moray College, Lews Castle Col