
Displaying 2025 - 2032 of 2112 publications

Accounts Commission Strategy 2001-04

Following consultation with local government and other stakeholders the Accounts Commission's Strategy document for 2001-2004 is now published.

Accounts Commission Annual Report 2000

Councils could save £68 million.

Overview of the 1999/2000 Local Authority Audits

The Accounts Commission remains concerned that, four years after local government reorganisation, there are still weaknesses in many councils' financial systems

A good start - Commissioning pre-school education

Councils in Scotland have met the Scottish Executive target for guaranteeing free pre-school education for all four-year-olds and are already close to meeting t

Benefits, Finance and Corporate issues - Performance indicators 1999/2000

The report highlights that Scotland's councils collected just over 88% of the £1.26billion council tax due for the year, within 1999/2000.

Getting to know your services - A step-by-step guide to developing and using information portfolios to monitor and report performance

Audit Scotland has produced a paper to support the development of performance information in councils.

Regulatory services - Performance indicators 1999/2000

The report shows that nearly nine out of ten food hygiene inspections in higher risk premises are undertaken within time, 94% of complaints noise complaints wer

Education services- Performance indicators 1999/2000

The report shows that 96% of 4-year-olds and 76% of 3-year-olds had a place in pre-school education, the average number of pupils per class in primary schools f