
Displaying 961 - 968 of 5100 publications

The 2020/21 audit of NHS Highland

NHS Highland has improved its governance, leadership and culture, and has managed to reduce its spending.

Bord na Gaidhlig annual audit 2020/21

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2020/21 

The 2020/21 audit of Bòrd na Gàidhlig

The public body responsible for promoting Gaelic in Scotland has tackled weaknesses in its leadership and governance.

National Records of Scotland annual audit 2020/21

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2020/21 

The 2020/21 audit of National Records of Scotland

Scotland's census has faced considerable challenges and is expected to cost £21.6 million

Environment, Sustainability and Biodiversity annual report 2020/21

Our progress in reducing our carbon emissions and managing climate change activity.

Blog: Assurance and scrutiny

Every year, Scotland’s councils pay out £1.4 billion in housing benefit.

International work: Our strategy for 2021-24

Our strategy and priorities for our international work for the next three years.