Displaying 121 - 128 of 435 publications
West Lothian Community Planning Partnership
West Lothian Community Planning Partnership has considerable strengths built up over years of effective joint working which has delivered real benefits to lo
Moray Community Planning Partnership
Moray Community Planning Partnership must show stronger leadership and target resources towards agreed priorities if it is to keep recent progress on track.<
The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2012/13
The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) is a counter-fraud exercise that is run every two years.
School education
Educational attainment is improving overall in Scotland, but there is a need to close the gap between the lowest and highest performing pupils.
Self-directed support
New legislation means councils will have to transform the way they deliver social care, offering people choice and control over the support they need.
Scotland's public finances - a follow-up audit: Progress in meeting the challenges
Public bodies have coped well so far with reduced budgets but need to focus more on priorities and develop longer-term financial plans.
Falkirk Community Planning Partnership
Falkirk Community Planning Partnership needs to develop specific priorities and plans to convert its aspirations into improved outcomes for local people.
Accident and Emergency: Performance update
Our update report in May 2014 found that performance against the four-hour accident and emergency waiting times target had deteriorated since Audit Scotland