Displaying 1281 - 1288 of 5133 publications
Environment, Sustainability and Biodiversity annual report 2019/20
Our progress in reducing our carbon emissions and managing climate change activity.
Best Value Assurance Report: The City of Edinburgh Council
The City of Edinburgh Council can do more to fulfil its potential and further improve the lives of citizens.
Covid-19 Strategic Scrutiny Group
Covid-19 has changed our lives. Responding to it has changed how public services are delivered and how we scrutinise them.
Best Value Assurance Report: Aberdeenshire Council
Aberdeenshire Council needs clearer vision to address underlying weaknesses
Best Value Assurance Report: Dundee City Council
A decade of improvement at Dundee City Council, but progress needs to quicken to tackle deep social issues.
Annual diversity report 2019/20
Information about the diversity of our staff as at 31 March 2020.