
Displaying 1329 - 1336 of 5134 publications

Scotland's City Region and Growth Deals

City deals have been positive for Scotland's economy, but the government does not have a plan to measure their overall long-term success, say public spen

Housing Benefit Performance audit: annual update 2019

Audit Scotland's benefits performance audit work for 2019.

Audit Scotland Communications and Engagement Strategy 2020-23

This strategy sets out how we communicate our audit work and engage with our stakeholders.

Scottish Ambulance Service annual audit report 2019/20

Annual audit plan and final annual audit report for April 2019 - March 2020

Ayrshire College annual audit 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2018/19

Borders College annual audit 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2018/19

City of Glasgow College annual audit 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2018/19

Dumfries and Galloway College annual audit 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for 2018/19