
Displaying 1521 - 1528 of 5097 publications

The 2018/19 audit of Social Security Scotland

The Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts 2018/19 audit has noted

The 2018/19 audit of the Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts

The Scottish Government has substantially reduced the value of £140 million-worth of loans and guarantees to private companies, says the public spendin

Finances of Scottish universities

Scotland’s universities face rising costs and funding cuts, and there is a growing gap in how well different institutions can cope, says the public…

Transport Scotland's ferry services - Impact report

This report summarises the impact made by our audit on Transport Scotland’s ferry services, pu

Scottish Prison Service annual audit report 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2018 - March 2019

The 2018/19 audit of the Scottish Prison Service

The Scottish Prison Service faces profound challenges in continuing to run Scotland's overcrowded  prisons safely and effectively, says the Auditor

Highlands and Islands Enterprise annual audit report 2018/19

Annual audit report for April 2018 - March 2019

The 2018/19 audit of Highlands and Islands Enterprise: Cairngorm mountain and funicular railway

The Auditor General has reported on Highlands and Islands Enterprise's operation of the Cairngorm Mountain ski resort and funicular railway.