
Displaying 1529 - 1536 of 5097 publications

NHS workforce planning - part 2

The Scottish Government is facing a significant challenge to increase the number of people working in GP surgeries, says the public spending watchdog.

Best Value Assurance Report: Perth and Kinross Council

Perth and Kinross Council continues to improve many services. The council must now demonstrate it has plans in place to tackle underperforming areas.

NHS Lothian annual audit report 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2018 - March 2019

Principles for community empowerment

This document aims to raise awareness of community empowerment and promote such a shared understanding across scrutiny bodies to support high-quality scrutin

Equality Impact Assessment: Replace Ciphr and its staff portal with a cloud-based HR solution

Audit Scotland equality impact assesses its key policies and developments in order to ensure that, wherever possible, we take into account diversity and equa

Best Value Assurance Report: Midlothian Council

Midlothian Council needs to deal with a significant budget shortfall as it faces further pressures as the fastest-growing local authority in Scotland.

Fraud and irregularity update 2018/19

A summary of the cases of fraud and other irregularities at public bodies reported by external auditors for the financial year 2018/19.

Best Value Assurance Report: Clackmannanshire Council - progress report

In the past 12 months Clackmannanshire Council has significantly improved how it works, but its finances remain an issue of serious concern says the Accounts