
Displaying 1585 - 1592 of 5133 publications

Accounts Commission Engagement strategy and plan 2019–24

The Accounts Commission has published its strategy for engaging with its stakeholders.

Accounts Commission Strategy and annual action plan 2019-24

The Accounts Commission has published its strategic priorities for the next five years.

Best Value Assurance Report: North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council has ambitious plans for developing the area and improving services, and it now needs to work with partners to better involve and en

Drug and alcohol services: an update

This paper provides an overview of the current position of drug and alcohol services in Scotland and summarises the progress against recommendations made in

General Medical Services contract in Scotland: a short guide

A new General Medical Services contract was published in Scotland in 2018.

West Dunbartonshire Council

Audit review of the investigation of tendering and contracting practices in Roads and Greenspace services.

Public Health Reform in Scotland

The arrangements for public health in Scotland are changing and this paper gives an update on these changes.

Scottish Government annual audit report 2018/19

Annual audit plan and final annual audit report for April 2018 - March 2019