Displaying 1617 - 1624 of 5135 publications
Health and social care integration: update on progress
While some improvements have been made to the delivery of health and social care services, Integration Authorities, councils and NHS boards need to show a st
Housing Benefit Performance audit: annual update 2018
Audit Scotland's benefits performance audit work for 2018.
Best Value Assurance Report: East Lothian Council
East Lothian Council has improved significantly but faces big challenges with a rising population, says the Accounts Commission.
NHS in Scotland 2018
Immediate action is needed to shift the NHS towards long-term, fundamental change.
Equality Impact Assessment: Replacing mobile phones
Audit Scotland equality impact assesses its key policies and developments in order to ensure that, wherever possible, we take into account diversity and equa
Scotland's new financial powers
This paper looks at how the Fiscal Framework is operating in practice.
Withdrawal from the European Union
We’ve published a paper highlighting the key audit issues that we think EU withdrawal presents for the public sector.
The 2017/18 audit of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency: Management of PS Pensions project
The Auditor General has submitted a report to the Scottish Parliament relating to the 2017/18 accounts of the Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA).