
Displaying 1849 - 1856 of 5097 publications

Best Value Assurance Report: Clackmannanshire Council

Clackmannanshire Council must take urgent and decisive action to sort out its financial problems, says the Accounts Commission.

Equality Impact Assessment: Upgrade to Microsoft O365

Audit Scotland equality impact assesses its key policies and developments in order to ensure that, wherever possible, we take into account diversity and equa

Best Value Assurance Report: Orkney Islands Council

Orkney Islands Council has made significant progress in recent years and needs to build on this for the future, says the Accounts Commission.

The 2016/17 audit of the Scottish Police Authority

A series of governance failings and the poor use of public money at the Scottish Police Authority are unacceptable, says the Auditor General.

The 2016/17 audit of the Scottish Government's Non-Domestic Rating Account

The Scottish Government needs to increase the transparency of its financial reporting on non-domestic rates, says the Auditor General.

Audit Quality Framework

This Framework describes Audit Scotland's approach to achieving world-class audit quality across all audit work.

Carbon Scrutiny Board annual report 2016/17

This reports sets out our carbon emissions for 2016/17.

Local government in Scotland: Financial overview 2016/17

Councils are showing increasing signs of financial stress and face even tougher challenges ahead, says the Accounts Commission.