
Displaying 1937 - 1944 of 5137 publications

Common Agricultural Policy Futures programme: further update

The legacy of an IT programme set up to deliver financial support to rural businesses still presents significant risks and costs for the Scottish Government.

Best Value Assurance Report: Inverclyde Council

Inverclyde Council has made significant improvements and needs to continue to build on those strengths for the future, says the Accounts Commission.

Education Scotland annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2016 - March 2017

National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2017/18

Our annual national scrutiny plan and local scrutiny plans for councils in Scotland.

Corporate Plan 2017/18 update

The 2017/18 update to our Corporate plan for 2015-18 highlights h

Accounts Commission annual report 2016/17

The Accounts Commission has published its annual report for 2016/17.

Accounts Commission Engagement strategy and engagement plan 2017/18

The Accounts Commission has published its strategy for engaging with its stakeholders.

Accounts Commission Strategy and annual action plan 2017-22

The Accounts Commission has published its strategic priorities for the next five years.