
Displaying 2145 - 2152 of 5135 publications

West Lothian Integration Joint Board annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2016 - March 2017

West of Scotland Archaeology Service annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2016 - March 2017

West of Scotland European Forum annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2016 - March 2017

Western Isles Integration Joint Board annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2016 - March 2017

Zetland Transport Partnership annual audit report 2016/17

Annual audit plan and final audit report for April 2016 - March 2017

Managing new financial powers: an update

The Scottish Government is well-organised to deliver game-changing new tax and spending powers but more work is needed to build a clearer picture of what the

i6: a review

A project to build a national IT system for Police Scotland followed good practice in its early stages but ultimately collapsed due to a damaging loss of tru

Local government in Scotland: Performance and challenges 2017

New councillors elected in May face major challenges and need to focus on improving long-term planning, says the Accounts Commission.