
Displaying 225 - 232 of 428 publications

A review of palliative care services in Scotland

Access to good palliative care in Scotland needs to improve and it must be more consistently provided for the thousands of people who need it each year.

Scottish fire and rescue authorities 2007/08 - progress report

Fire and rescue authorities have made progress in reforming services, according to an Audit Scotland report published today on behalf of the Accounts Commission

Health and Community Care Bulletin 2008

The bulletin is intended to give a summary of our national studies, particularly the issues of most relevence to health boards.

Review of the new General Medical Services contract

The new contract for GP practices should have been better planned and will take time to improve care for patients.

Review of major capital projects - How government works

This is the first systematic review of major public sector capital projects in Scotland.

The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2006/07

Almost £10 million worth of fraud and errors have been identified following a national detection exercise by Audit Scotland working together with other

Managing increasing prisoner numbers in Scotland

Significant amounts of money have been spent improving the conditions inside Scotland’s prisons, but more than one in five prisoners are still sharing

A performance overview of sport in Scotland

Fewer people are regularly taking part in sport and many facilities need improvement.