
Displaying 2241 - 2248 of 4962 publications

Equality Impact Assessment: West Port office project

Audit Scotland equality impact assesses its key policies and developments in order to ensure that, wherever possible, we take into account diversity and equa

Procurement in councils - Impact report

This report describes the impact made by the Accounts Commission's performance audit report on Procurement in c

Major capital investment in councils: follow-up

Councils need to improve further the way they manage major projects like schools, roads, housing and flood prevention, says the Accounts Commission.

The 2014/15 audit of the Scottish Police Authority

The Auditor General has reported to the Scottish Parliament for a second consecutive year on significant issues arising from the annual audit of the Scottish…

Argyll and Bute Council: Best Value audit 2015

Argyll and Bute Council has made solid improvement but needs to build on this for the future, says the Accounts Commission.

Implementing the Scotland Act 2012: an update

An update on the progress being made to implement the financial powers in the Scotland Act 2012 has confirmed that Revenue Scotland successfully delivered tw

Health and social care integration

Significant risks must be addressed if a major reform of health and social care is to fundamentally change how services are delivered, and improve outcomes f