
Displaying 2481 - 2488 of 4962 publications

West Lothian Community Planning Partnership

West Lothian Community Planning Partnership has considerable strengths built up over years of effective joint working which has delivered real benefits to lo

Accounts Commission annual report 2013/14

Our web-only annual report charts the work of the commission

Moray Community Planning Partnership

Moray Community Planning Partnership must show stronger leadership and target resources towards agreed priorities if it is to keep recent progress on track.<

Argyll and Bute Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning - Follow-up audit

Argyll and Bute Council has responded constructively to a critical report but much more work is required to secure the improvements needed at the local autho

Equality impact assessments 2014

Audit Scotland equality impact assesses its key policies and developments in order to ensure that, wherever possible, we take into account diversity

The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2012/13

The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) is a counter-fraud exercise that is run every two years.