
Displaying 281 - 288 of 428 publications

Direction 2005 Local Government Act 1992

The Accounts Commission for Scotland has a duty under the Local Government Act 1992 to direct local authorities to publish certain information on their performa

Leadership development. How Government Works

Scotland's public sector has good examples of investment in leadership but many individual organisations do not have clear policies and most are unable to link

Scottish Executive: supporting new initiatives

Last year the Scottish Executive launched new initiatives amounting to £1.4 billion.

Overview of the water industry in Scotland

Scottish Water has made a good start in raising the water industry's performance but can make further improvements, says this Audit Scotland report.

A Scottish prescription: Managing the use of medicines in hospitals

Recent years have seen an increase in the number and complexity of medicines available to treat patients and in the types of staff who can prescribe them.

Moving on? A handbook on modelling the whole system for delayed discharges in Tayside

In an innovative project, Audit Scotland has worked with the NHS board and three councils that make up the Tayside Partnership to share an understanding of h

Moving on? An overview of delayed discharges in Scotland

This report highlights that solving the problem of delayed discharges needs action across all parts of the health and community care system.

Improving customer service through better customer contact

This report looks at how councils deal with requests for services and information from their customers, including taxpayers and business contacts.