Displaying 3129 - 3136 of 5133 publications
City of Edinburgh Council
Statutory report on the 2011/12 audit of the City of Edinburgh Council.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning - Follow-up report
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles Council) has made progress over the past year in areas such as finance and performance management, but needs to impr
Health inequalities in Scotland
There remain major differences in the health and life expectancy of different groups of people in Scotland.
Best Value in police authorities and police forces in Scotland
Scotland’s new single police force will inherit many positive features but it can learn lessons from the current system, particularly in relation to im
Reducing reoffending in Scotland
Reoffending is a continuing problem in Scotland.
Accounts Commission Strategy and Annual action plan 2012/13
Our Strategy for 2012–15 and Annual action plan for 2012/13.
NHS financial performance 2011/12
All 23 health boards in Scotland broke even in 2011/12.
Scotland's Colleges: current finances, future challenges
An Audit Scotland report, Scotland’s colleges: current finances, future challenges, assesses the financial standing of the college sector befo