Displaying 3137 - 3144 of 5133 publications
How councils work: an improvement series for councillors and officers - Managing performance: are you getting it right?
All councils in Scotland can improve how they manage their performance.
Accounts Commission: Single equality scheme 2011/12
A progress report for the year to 31 March 2012.
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Joint Board
Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Joint Board demonstrated systemic failures in handling the retirement and re-employment of its chief fire officer, says the Accou
Aberdeenshire Council housing and council tax benefits: Progress report
Aberdeenshire Council has made significant improvements in the service it offers for housing and council tax benefits.
Strathclyde Police Authority
The body charged with overseeing Strathclyde Police has done little so far to improve its performance over the past year but is now showing some positive sig
Fife Constabulary and Fife Police Authority
Fife Constabulary and Fife Police Authority both demonstrate most aspects of Best Value.
Managing ICT contracts: an audit of three public sector programmes
Audit Scotland has found significant weaknesses in the management of three public sector information and communication technology (ICT) programmes costing a