Displaying 3153 - 3160 of 5137 publications
Audit Scotland Annual Report and accounts 2011/12
Our annual report and accounts for 2011/12.
Audit Scotland Single Equality Scheme 2012
The Scheme makes our current position on diversity and equality clear, sets out what we intend to do to achieve our aims, and e
Working with other countries report 2011/12
A report covering all of Audit Scotland's work with other countries in 2011/12.
Learning the lessons of public body mergers
Public sector mergers need strong leadership from the outset to ensure important decisions are made about the new organisations’ vision, structure and
Midlothian Council: the Audit of Best Value and Community Planning
Midlothian Council has made good progress improving services to deliver Best Value over the last four years.
The National Fraud Initiative in Scotland 2010/11
The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) is a counter-fraud exercise that is run every two years with the 2010/11 NFI report being the fourth.
National Scrutiny Plan for Local Government 2012/13
The national scrutiny plan provides a summary of the scrutiny activity for each council in Scotland.